Thursday, June 18, 2009


A lot of PFs use events such as benefit concerts, advance movie screenings, raffles (do i hear bingo?) to raise funds. They are fine to some extent but I'd like to pose some issues that I hope will help you weigh things when thinking of doing another event.

1. Would the profit be worthwhile? I ask this because, in an event, a lot of things will be spent. Its not just money but your time, skills and most especially your sanity. If you will not be earning at least 300% over your expenses (this includes your time and salary) or making serious networking, then seriously consider against it. Physical exhaustion is one thing, but mental? It may not be worth it.

2. Would you be doing an excellent job? It does not have to be perfect, because nothing will come out perfect. There will always be something that will come up that everything may not come to your expectation. If the event will show your non-profit's weaknesses in terms of organizing an event then don't do it. Your credibility and reputation is much more important.

3. Can you afford it? Some events require that you shell out an initial investment. Do you have what it takes? Some will give an eager "Yes!" but fail at the home stretch. Your integrity goes down the drain if this happens.

There are lot more questions that one can think but the above items are very critical to your decision making. So, be wise!

God bless you!

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